Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Plan ahead to make dinner for your husband

The good wife is back! Here are a couple more pictures. Enjoy!

Studio Final

I'm taking portraits for my studio final. The idea is to have the subjects personality show in the image. Here are my favorite images of the subjects that I have shot so far.

This is my friend Christin, I think she is really smart and she is finishing up school right now also. She looks super serious in the photo and I wouldn't say that is a personality trait of hers, but I love this image.

This is my friend Doug that I work with. If he isn't at work, he is playing video games. He's just a big kid.

Here is Cindy. I LOVE this picture, it is so her. She is always on her phone, and she is always smiling and acting silly. This just captures her perfectly.